Thursday, January 3, 2013

First Day of School!

Laurel Started pre-school today. We picked an owl shirt so she lookes "wise as an owl." She wore her twinkle toes and a sparkley silver belt.

The teacher had good things to say and she brought home a picture she made of trees in the snow.

She did so well and we couldn't be prouder.

K & T

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Vivian Laurel Weber
Born: June 6, 2009 7:24 am
5 lbs 10 oz 19.5"

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Laurel's Here!

she's here!!!!!!:

5 lbs 10 ozs

19 1/2 "

7:24 am

mom and baby are happy and healthy!

pics to follow soon

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

more pics of my little laurel. she's already in trouble with her mom....


Thursday, April 23, 2009

April Update

Good day baby voyeurs,

We are two months and counting till d-day! I found out that baby girl is a stretcher (like her mom) and looovvveeesss to be up at night (like her mom) and does her thing with no regard for my schedule (like her dad.... oooooo burn Bau!)

Baby shower is less then one month away and has become a giant circus as I’m sure was expected. We decided on the theme of tea party and we were forced to secure a location for said baby shower when mom and I realized that there are going to be a lot of ladies and not nearly enough room in the Allen casa. Dad and Bubbie were rolling when mom and I realized this closing 28 days till party time. Thanks guys for letting the ladies in on what was clearly a no brainer! So we have secured Laurel Court on the West side of Cincinnati. Sounds meant to be right? Invites should be out in the next 48 hours fingers crossed. I wish I had last night's goings on at the Allen house on tape cause it was like an episode of Seinfeld or an SNL sketch with all the different conversations, projects, issues, and ever present madness that went down within the 1.5 hour span that I was there. I went home and crashed hardcore despite the party going on in my belly.

I'm healthy despite my stupid gallbladder. I have the surgery date scheduled in July and the evil OBGYN that loves to see me in lots and lots of pain will not be inducing me for this reason. On the plus side I get to hear people that aren't in pain tell me their gallbladder stories of their fathers, mothers, cousins, half-sisters, roommates, preachers surgery to get the grapefruit sized gallbladder out of their bodies.

The new symptom I’m trying to get used to is the swelling. I feel like a giant waterballon... or a Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade balloon. I’m sure it looks a lot like the StayPuft Marshmallow Preggo lady at work. One of my very "nice" co workers told me that "I looked pregnant.... from behind" And since I think "cankles" is way too mean and harsh sounding we have adopted the word swankles instead.

That’s about all we have for now. Hope everyone is doing well and using birth control!

Puppy Status: Foxy is super bitchy and Skippy is so clingy that he has become part of Tim. Our snow bird neighbors are back from Florida and I’m sure have totally missed the ever present symphony of min pin barks. We have this thought that it would be poetic justice if next winter they went back to Florida and new neighbors moved in with a pair of min pins!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


What's up Laurel fan base?

Happy late Saint Patty's day..... Here is your Laurel O'Weber news...

Laurel's getting HUGE! So big now that Daddy Tim got to feel her move the other day which I thought was way cool. Now that she is so big I'm going to start her listening to music, me yell at Tim and used to the sound of the Allen and Weber laughs by spending as much time with them as possible. This should prepare her for all the noises when she gets here so she doesn't freak out whenever one of us belts one out!

Gallbladder update: I saw the surgeon a few weeks ago and we are going to hold out until I deliver the Jellybean. About 2-4 weeks after she makes her debut they will take out my gallbladder. I am very relieved that I have some sort of an answer and that someone is going to step up to the plate and take care of this thing. My surgeon is probably the coolest doctor Ive ever met too so that's a bonus. So now I'm on an awesome diet and keeping it real.

Mom and Jellybean are going to visit friends this weekend and next before we are banned from the airlines. Ewww!

Puppy status: Foxy Brown is on a diet and very grumpy about it. We are all back to regular puppy park visits. The bark collars are in the mail... dun dun dun duuuuuunnnnnn!!!!!